Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Jill | Best Friend

It is altogether amazing that I have been able to share the last seven years of my life with this amazing woman. She shows me in her actions and in her words what true loyalty is. I have laughed harder with her than with anyone else in the world. She has picked up my pieces, held them for as long as I've needed her to and has never complained once. I don't know what a best friend is for everyone but for me, it's someone who listens to you, loves you in spite of yourself, puts up with your dog jumping on her when she walks in the door, someone who reminds you to stop before you burn out, dreams with you, never gives up on you, and is there no matter the time. Jill is all of that and more to me...and she's just a remarkable woman. I am so very blessed to have her in my life and I thank God that I get to call her my very best friend. 

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